- UNSULLIED - Healthy, Clean, Natural Beauty & Livin'

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When Laura Dobi, founder of Green Revolution Skin Studio in Bethesda, Maryland ( locals, take note! ), reached out to me about swinging by her studio for an organic facial, I was turnt up about it. I’d never had a facial of any kind before (real talk), and Laura has serious green skin credentials and expertise, so I knew it wouldn’t disappoint.

What I didn’t expect was for my appointment with Laura to catalyze a whole new chapter in my skin’s history (!). Truly, no product or experience I’ve had since starting this blog has been as impactful on me or the state of my skin than my facial at Green Revolution Skin Studio. Seriously. Her studio is so aptly named! My skin is clearer than it has been in well over a year. After months and months of tirelessly swapping in an endless assortment of products, diet adjustments and supplements (to no avail), La

If you’re stuck in a skincare rut, or haven’t been able to self-solve your skin issues, consider investing in a green/organic facial or consulting with a pro. With Laura, if you can! I was so stubborn and resolute in trying to clear my skin for over a year. I would have visited Laura much sooner if I’d known I’d have such amazing results.