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As any gambling news site should inform you, responsible gambling is very important for many reasons. It means being cautious and not gambling more than you can afford. But its even more than that. There are other aspects to life than gambling. Your personal life, friends and family should come before gambling. That’s why a stop loss is a good idea. In this post I’m going to briefly explain what a stop loss limit and why it’s important to have one in place.

First of all, let’s explain what it is. A stop loss limit is an amount you choose that if you lose X amount, you will quit for the day. This is something a trusted online casino Malaysia will offer you and so will other casinos. It’s a great way to safeguard your bankroll and ensure you’re keeping enough money behind. Preventing potential losses is a very important in the long run. Continue reading “What is a Stop Loss Limit and Does it Matter?” →

The old debate of cash games vs tournaments is never ending amongst serious players. But whether you are as cash game player or tournament player, there is no disputing that tournaments win the popularity contest though. There are several reasons for this, which we will explore in this article.