- Get Pregnant | Infertility

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Infertility is the failure of a couple to get pregnant after 12-15 months of trying. This appertains to young couples between 20-35 years but women over 35 who fail to conceive over a period of six months are also considered infertile. It is important to understand that infertility is a reproduction system failure and not a disease. Sometimes, there is no definite reason for the couple’s infertility and this has been put down to stress caused by lifestyle, career or, ironically, anxiety over not being able

One of the biggest myths is that only women are infertile. This myth, of course, has been propounded by society which immediately assumes the problem is the woman. Unfortunately, many men have issues accepting the problem might be with them and refuse to get tested. The fact is men and women share a third each of infertility cases while the remaining third consists of problems experienced by both partners or it could be unexplained infertility. The problem is also not limited to just unhealthy men and women

Types of infertility