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Actuarial Science, Design, Hospitality, Human Resources, Logistics, Animation, Music, Medical, ICT for Work, Information Technology, Optometry, Soft Skills, Marketing, Oil & Gas, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Entrepreneurship, Vocational Skills, Data Science, Leadership, Agriculture, Engineering nationwide impact initative was launched on 9 September 2021. Do you know that, as of August 2021, there are over 764,900 Unemployed Malaysians. In an article dated 7 July 2021 on Free Malaysia Today, Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi said a survey conducted by the Ministry found that around 580,000 businesses or 49% of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises sector, could collapse by October 2021 if operations don't resume.

Malaysian experts fear that if this happens, millions of Malaysians will be rendered unemployed. Assuming each worker has two dependents, this will be a tragic scenario. Reports from the Department of Statistics show that, as of July 2021, 600,000 families have moved from M40 down to B40 group (2).

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