- Smart Metering e Soluzioni Software per i gestori idrici | GEST

Description: GEST è specializzata in Metering e Smart Metering per il Settore Idrico. Propone Soluzioni Software per la gestione dei dati Smart.

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Smart Metering Software solutions for data collection and data management FIND OUT MORE We are system integrators, platform and mobile App developers as well as technological and digital project consultants. We are also specialised in the water industry, with over 23 years of experience in Metering and Smart Metering. We offer software solutions for utilities and private individuals to facilitate the integration and management of smart meter data, providing the tools to make the most of their content.

Services and Products Smart Metering & Smart things LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, WM-Bus and Fixed Network and Walk-By/Drive-By proprietary protocols. Smart meters, peripherals and sensors, whatever the technology used, we have the expertise and experience to support you at every operational and management stage of your project.

Mobile apps for meter photo-reading and remote reading in Walk-By/Drive-By mode meter qualification and management. Cloud platform for data collection from fixed network, representation via Dashboard and Analytics and integration with any CRM system used by the water utility.

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