- Germane Analytics Pvt Ltd

data science (1579) business analytics (261) dss (84) decision support system (18) business insight (5) data capitalization (3) solution offering (3) germane analytics (2) analytical trends (2) focussed vertical (2)

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Germane Analytics Pvt Ltd is an Advanced Business Analytics company based in Bangalore, India with exclusive focus in the space of Analytics, Big Data and Decision Support Systems. We complement organizations in their business decision process through a combination of Data Science, Technology, and Analytical Trends in achieving reliable and simplified data driven decision mechanism.

As the organisations mature, their in-house data volumes grow exponentially. Unless data is analyzed to derive insights, it only ends up being CapEx problem with increased allocations year-on-year.

Integrate the corporate performance management processes across the organization. Seamlessly tie-in strategy management with the OU performance metrices to drive business performance.