- George Davey

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The Philosophy of Eating Break the Trance

George Davey grew up in the Los Angeles suburbs. Riding bikes, exploring storm sewer tunnels and hunting rattlesnakes were just some of the things he and his childhood friends did while growing up there. George moved to Iowa when he was thirteen years old to a town of just 128 people. Fascinated with hunting, fishing and trapping George loved living in small town Iowa.

George graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Physics/Chemistry. After college George worked as a materials Engineer for a few years and then started his own business. Most recently George works as an IT professional. In 2010 George lost half of his hair and was obese. After his friend Tim died of colon cancer in 2011, George decided to change his life and the lives of his family members by promoting healthy eating and healthy living. George plans to write more books and has a life goal of c

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