- GeoPlanIT | Geodesign, GIS, ArcGIS, CityEngine, Planning, Mapping, Geography, IT, 3D, 3D Cities

Example domain paragraphs

Geo graphy  Plan ning  I nformation  T echnology, not a very clever title in the world of blogging I know!  However, you have to start somewhere and this is at the very least descriptive.  The intention of this blog is to discuss themes related to 3D, geodesign, technology, geography and urban planning, and of course, ArcGIS CityEngine.

In these ‘interesting’ COVID times updates to this blog maybe more erratic than usual.  Like many of you, work has been disrupted both in space and time (not as exciting as it sounds)!  I hope you are all staying safe.

If you have an interesting and relevant technology or news item, or a job posting and you want me to take a look at it and possibly write about it drop me a message.