- GEONius

Description: Alex Measday's Home on the Web

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Example domain paragraphs

My first choice was , the name of my favorite George Eliot novel, Daniel Deronda . However, someone had already registered that domain. A second choice was , the initials of my favorite Beatles song, "I Dig A Pony". Again, no luck. (And, after listening to the song for decades, I finally noticed that the real song title is "Dig A Pony"—no "I"!) So I scoured the dictionary ( Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary in hard-copy form) for other possibilities:

While ruminating over , French for "help yourself", intended by me in the sense of "help yourself to whatever you find here", I was reading The Lopsided Ape: Evolution of the Generative Mind by Michael C. Corballis ( Wikipedia ):

I liked the name and was already taken, so GEONius it is!