- Geometry Algorithms Home

Description: Computational geometry algorithms for software programming including C++ code, basic lmath, a book store, and related web site links.

2d triangle 3d area 3d polygon 3d triangle line intersecting plane area of 3d triangle area of triangle in 3d c++ point closest point of approach computer graphics books

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This site is now a book, available from Amazon US as a Kindle eBook ($8.95) Paperback ($17.95) NEW   Hardcover ($23.95)

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This book presents practical geometry algorithms with computationally fast C++ code implementations. It covers algorithms for fundamental geometric objects, such as points, lines, rays, segments, triangles, polygons, and planes. These determine their basic 2D and 3D properties, such as area, distance, inclusion, and intersections. There are also algorithms compute bounding containers for these objects, including a fast bounding ball, various convex hull algorithms, as well as polygon extreme points and tang

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