- - Geoff Cordner Photography

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Geoff Cordner Photography

“Geoffrey Cordner is a thrift-shop visionary whose photographs capture the underbelly of millennial America with a heart and ruthlessness that places him beyond trend and fashion, in a status all his own. Beyond his technical mastery, Cordner’s particular genius is the way in which he inspires trust in his subjects, often those for whom all trust has been betrayed. Whether it’s a smacked-out teenaged neo-punk or a sloe-eyed Hollywood hustler, Cordner goes beneath the ink and attitude to the damaged soul wit

“Cordner captures that space between breaths, where photography transcends documentation and morphs into the pure essence of being. A small moment in time where the subjects drop their natural defenses and instead of posing for the shot, seem to exist forever, not trapped by their image, but for once, finally freed within it in.” — LYDIA LUNCH