- Community

Description: The objective of the Geneva 2030 Community is to mobilize the capacity, skills, experience, ideas and motivation of Geneva-based actors towards realizing the 2030 Agenda.

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Join the Geneva SDG Community Coffee , a monthly meetup for you to connect, exchange, and expand your knowledge of ongoing SDG-related work in Geneva and beyond. Sign up to the Geneva SDG Community newsletter to get notified about the next Community Coffee.

Join our chat group to share and receive updates about events, report, learning opportunities and more.

Join the SDG Lunch Collider and meet individuals from around Geneva working to implement the SDGs! The SDG Lunch Collider, launched in partnership with CERN in 2020, is a platform that facilitates networking amongst individuals from the Geneva SDG Community. It is an informal, voluntary, and fun way to meet interesting people around Geneva and expand knowledge on the SDGs.