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What is a gene? What is a genome? Genes made Easy Help improve health in East London. Volunteer now! Learn about genes, genomes and health. Genes & your health " It is not fair that people in East London die nine years earlier than in West London - I want to be the first volunteer for this study. " Councillor Ahsan Khan Improve health in Bradford, East London and Manchester South Asian people have some of the highest rates of heart disease, diabetes, and poor health in the UK.

Genes & Health is a research study set up to help fight against these and other major diseases. We are currently recruiting volunteers in East London Genes & Health (2015-), Bradford Genes & Health (2019-) and Manchester Genes & Health (2022-).

By involving large numbers of local Bangladeshi and Pakistani people, the study hopes to find new ways of improving health for communities in the UK and worldwide. 

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