- Gender Clinic voor hormoonbehandeling in Transgenderzorg Nederland

Description: Genderteam genderhealthclinic biedt hormoonbehandeling in haar genderclinic en is een genderteam voor genderzorg en transgenderzorg in Utrecht en Groningen.

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We are giving support to trans persons in which we look what is the best way to work with you. We plan together with you the appointments for your treatment at our clinic. If you want to have contact 100% online or 100% face2face or a mingle between those to uttest: we adjust ourselves to your situation as mucht as possible. Moreover, from 8 to 20 and on saturday you can reach out to us via telephone, whatsapp or our social media. Between 22 and 8 you can also call us in case of emergencies.

Our organization is specialized in genderhealthcare. That means that our medical specialist are trained to help trans persons. Also our organization is run by people with knowing by heart the issues of trans persons. Our team has a high representation of the LGBTIQA community. With our team we can give you the best genderhealthcare that is needed.

Genderhealthclinic specializes in the medical part of your transition. Together with genderhealthcare and later on with other Mental Healthcare or Specialized Genderteams we will help you with Genderhealthcare. Together with other medical specialized care institutes, we offer specialized care for trans persons.

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