- GEMOTO   Ham groups with interest in 6M and UHF repeater building and commercial converstions

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Welcome!  GEMOTO is not a club.  GEMOTO may be thought-of as a quasi-social networking group or consortium made up from members and officers from several New England radio clubs with common interests.   This is a central depository area for New England hams who share an interest in:

Mike Giovannucci, N1OMJ with his seed stock of 50 Motorola MTX9250 900MHz  portables. Mike and K1BOS purchased these to resell at a low price to help increase 900 MHz activity in the Boston area.  It worked! And one year later with 52 MCS2000's  (quickly sold out within days) Conversions of surplus commercial GE/Harris and Motorola gear to ham operation... from P25, NXDN and DMR digital to tube type!   VHF-FM operation on less-than-mainstream bands such as 10 meters, 6 meters & 440   A pioneering effort at

    The very first 900 MHz repeater stakeholders meeting at NearFest May 3, 2008.  

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