- Geek Studies

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I started Geek Studies in 2007 as a way to keep interviewees and informants posted on the status of my dissertation in progress. The blog ended up being not just a way to document the research, but a central component of that research, and a path to some lasting friendships. The dissertation itself— Geek Cultures: Media and Identity in the Digital Age —went on to be hosted as a  free download  on Penn Scholarly Commons. I thought I might maintain Geek Studies as a professional blog after finishing the disse

There’s a lot I would change about the actual content of these posts if I were still in the business of academic blogging. There’s a lot more to say—and thankfully, that’s being said by others more qualified than I—about the intersection of race, gender, and class with geek identities. Still, I hope that these archives might be useful to readers and researchers going forward.

Man, I sure wasn’t kidding about being busy in that last post . (I guess I was kidding about doing another post “soon,” given that that was two months ago. Yikes.) I hope you’ll agree, at least, that I’ve been keeping busy with interesting things lately.