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MLM Companies Exposed

We all know that that a pyramid scheme is illegal in these United States. That it only serves as a means to defraud hardworking people out of their money promising things that will never happen or metalize. Many people confuse multilevel marketing, which is legal, with a pyramid scheme, which is not. Many pyramid schemes nowadays try to present themselves as multilevel marketing firms. For the fact that they are legal. It is easy for a pyramid scheme to masquerade as a multilevel marketing , since they are

A pyramid scheme consist on someone on the top of the “pyramid”. This person recruits two people to buy into the “business”. Now the top person maybe promising to sell some type of goods or service. Although this is baloney they strongly stress how successful they became and how the service or goods is. He will also encourage his two recruits, the second level of the pyramid, to recruit two more people. These four people will recruit two people apiece. You have to remember each person will pay a large sum o