- Garden Based Education - Growing the Learning Potential of all Children

Description: Kids in the U.S. are spending less time outside. Even in kindergarten, recess is being cut back. But in the small town of Quechee, Vt., a teacher is bucking

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The case for garden-based learning in schools seems simple, even obvious, at first: What harm could there be in encouraging young children to connect with nature and learn more about the ecology around them, including where the food they eat comes from?But given the ever-growing demands on teachers’ time and the poor financial ...

Kids in the U.S. are spending less time outside. Even in kindergarten, recess is being cut back. But in the small town of ...

extract from .pdf by Daniel Desmond, James Grieshop, Aarti SubramaniamUNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning Garden Based Learning (GBL) can be defined simply as ...