- Galloway Geospatial Informatics and Surveying - Zebulon, NC

Description: We provide professional geospatial services including but not limited to: land surveying, GIS services, drone services to produce aerial imagery and modeling, as well as computer programming modules and consulting services to help speed your production while increasing data quality assurance.

the (18867) best (8146) only (437)

Example domain paragraphs

Change of Location

Formerly we were based in Zebulon, NC but we have shifted to Greenville, NC.  We service areas from eastern Raleigh to the coast, but are unable to provide services in a timely manner to those west of Raleigh.  We apologize for any inconvenience, but have chosen our service area to continue providing quality work in a timely manner.  However, with the transition, we are able to provide residential surveying services, once again.

Galloway Geospatial has over 15 years experience in land surveying, GIS development, 3-D modeling, computer programming, and training on several software platforms.  A history of collaborations between academic and trade-related experts allows the company to produce a multi-dimensional knowledge base and several project approaches to provide services with emphasis on data quality, accuracy, and efficiency.