- Galerie Lamoureux Ritzenhoff - Welcome to our art gallery

Description: Galerie Lamoureux Ritzenhoff offers entirely original Canadian paintings and sculptures by contemporary artists residing in Canada and by Canadian masters. Featured artists have received international, national and local recognition. Art gallery on line is established from Montreal. Canadian art gallery online with affordable contemporary works under $ 1000. art gallery, galerie, canadian artist. We are also managing big Canadian art collection for private art collectors who wish to sell and resell there

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Satisfaction Guarantee!

We want you to be pleased 100 % with every piece you purchase from our galleries. We are so sure that you will enjoy your original art work at 100 %, that, if for any reason you are not totally satisfied, return it to the downtown gallery for a complete refund of the piece, exchange or adjustment to your satisfaction. We will also offer you free return (shipping back) to our gallery within 5 days of the delivery date of the art work. No matter where you are located in the world! THIS GUARANTEE APPLIES ON WO

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