- The Galactic Adventures of Hazel by Starlight

Description: The Galactic Adventures of Hazel is a series of adventure and sci-fi novels written by Starlight. Take a sneak peek of the world in 4519 AD. Learn about Hazel's adventures in different worlds!

books (16650) adventure (5075)

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Hazel’s thrilling galactic adventures continue in this second book of the series as she and her classmates go on a much awaited school immersion program to Ptorysium Star System.

While planet-hopping, Hazel, Dmitri and Richie stumble upon a world that is in dire straits. Their adventures take on a whole new league when her impish cousins, Nuke and Nike, get involved and before they know it, there is too much stuff on their plates – warding off Pepops, making new friends and (also) enemies, negotiating terms and at the same time juggling with their intergalactic classes.

This is the first book in the series, The Galactic Adventures of Hazel written by Starlight .