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Global Academic Forum on Technology, Innovation and Management (GAF-TIM) was founded in Dubai in 2019 with the objectives of recognizing, inspiring and supporting excellence in technology innovation and management research. On the other hand, "GAF-TIM" concentration on the Academic side of Technology's solutions, Innovation management. Presently, the forum has three main perspectives of endeavor; I. Publishing relevant articles in peer reviewed academic journals. II. Organizing international academic confer

GAF-TIM vision, (Global Academic Forum on Technology, Innovation and Management)is to share knowledge that brings prosperity and progress in the society via Excellence in Technology, Innovation and Management Research.

GAF-TIM mission (Global Academic Forum on Technology, Innovation and Management) is to work industriously to share knowledge that leads to prosperous and progressive society through gaining Excellence in Technology, Innovation and Management Research. GAF-TIM strikes to be a leading knowledge channel via its international conferences, academic journals, and consultancy services.

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