- Portfolio — Velu

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Hi! I'm Gabriel Veludo, i like design, fashion and typography. Welcome to my portfolio. IDENTITY Web Design Identity Branding EDITION Edition Identity EDITION Edition identity PHOTO photography FASHION Leather EDITION Poster EDITION Web Design Identity Branding PHOTO Photography EDITION Fanzine IDENTITY Branding FASHION Leather IDENTITY Web Design Branding IDENTITY Branding EDITION Specimen IDENTITY Branding EDITION Specimen Let's Chat I'd love to chat about your business, send me an email .

(c) 2022 Work . All Rights Reserved. Designed by: Velu. Images: Velu.

Hi! I'm Gabriel Veludo, i like design, fashion and typography. Welcome to my portfolio. IDENTITY Web Design Identity Branding EDITION Edition Identity EDITION Edition identity PHOTO photography FASHION Leather EDITION Poster EDITION Web Design Identity Branding IDENTITY Branding EDITION Fanzine IDENTITY Branding FASHION Leather IDENTITY Web Design Branding IDENTITY Branding EDITION Specimen IDENTITY Branding EDITION Specimen Let's Chat I'd love to chat about your business, send me an email .