- Watercolor Paintings by Gabriela - GabrielasWorld

Description: Gabriela's paintings and illustrations, created to bring joy and happiness to those around her.

portfolio (17310) paintings (6913) inspiration (2490) watercolor (1922) illustrations (1666)

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The paintings you will find here were created to inspire happiness and joy, to bring calm and reveal the beauty of all that is surrounding us. Watercolors are wonderful at illustrating and catching those sparks of beauty. There will be a few gouache style (marked *gouache) but don't be alarmed, that is just another type of watercolor, a more opaque one, as wonderful as watercolor at completing the journey of beauty into the world.

Let's begin!

I always loved painting house plants but then I tohught, I'll add a girl next to a plant because that's so me! I'm always surrounded by my plants, especially when I do my morning yoga and stretching routine. So in this category there will be many plants- monstera deliciosa, albo, pink princess philodendron, golden pothos, cacti, ferns - and ladies who stretch :)