g20religion.org - Home - G20 Religion Forum (R20)

Description: Welcome to the G20 Religion Forum (R20) Message from KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf Founder & Chairman of the R20 General Chairman, Nahdlatul Ulama Central Board “The purpose of the G20 Religion Forum, or R20, is to help ensure that religion functions as a genuine and dynamic source of

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Briefing Document

Vision & Objectives

“The purpose of the G20 Religion Forum, or R20, is to ensure that religion functions as a genuine and dynamic source of solutions rather than problems in the 21st century. Through the R20, we hope to facilitate the emergence of a global movement, in which people of goodwill of every faith and nation will help bring the world’s geopolitical and economic power structures into alignment with the highest moral and spiritual values, for the sake of all humanity.”

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