g1vvp.co.uk - G1VVP - Skegness DX: Skegness Medium Wave DX Recordings

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Welcome to my radio pages!

My name is John, station G1VVP, located in JO03dd on the Lincolnshire coast. This website is a collection of my personal loggings, DX recordings and other bits and pieces of radio stuff, made on the Lincolnshire coast. My main interests include long-distance (DX) listening on the VHF-FM and medium wave bands. I was active on the amateur bands but my landlord forbids the operation of amateur radio, and I began to lose interest in this. For me, the radio hobby began when I was in my early teens, thanks largel

The first seeds in the hobby were sown at an early age - in my early teens and probably well before. I have fond memories or our our television going on the blink, shortly followed by a visit from the TV engineer who would come along with his soldering iron and fix it. I would probably be around 10 or 11 years old. While he was making adjustments, I remember seeing him tuning the dial more »