g-2-o.com - Genotype 2 Outcome | Link cancer mutations and clinical survival to identify driver genes

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Genotype to Outcome is a web-server linking mutation (or CNV) of a gene to clinical outcome (survival) by utilizing next generation sequencing and gene chip data. Start G-2-O for:

Genotype to Outcome is based on the assumption that somatic mutations will not influence outcome alone. Instead, a mutation results in an altered protein product which influences a diverse set of additional genes. We capture and assess the prognostic power of this signature.

Generation of the transcriptomic fingerprint for mutation status is computed by ROC utilizing TCGA RNA-seq and NGS mutation data. Then, the average expression of significant genes identified is designated as a metagene for the given genotype. By utilizing the gene chip data, correlation to survival for this metagene is computed by Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier survival plots are plotted.

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