futureictforum.com - Future ICT for Sustainable Cities Forum

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Space exploration is driving the creation of futuristic technologies that have a potentially vast range of applications on earth if they are effectively harnessed by business and innovators. The World Economic Forum, introduced a new standard called the Space Sustainability Rating (SSR), in 2022, which aims to recognise, reward, and encourage space actors to design and implement sustainable and responsible space missions. The real estate industry, which consumes close to 40% of all raw material and energy g

Change has been the driving factor in the mobility space and will continue to define the sector. New Mobility can substantially support and shape urban revitalization and significantly improve quality of life and environment in cities around the world. At the same time, it can open up a wealth of business and employment opportunities—locally and globally. Global energy consumption has increased 40 times in the last 100 years and is set to double by 2050. Due to its lower carbon trail, it is necessary to dep

With the rise of e-commerce and its associated supply chain demands, logistics and Fulfillment, companies and sellers are aware of the need for sustainable developments, and that they have a strong role to play to reduce environmental impact in the supply chain. Studies show, 87% of consumers will have a more positive image of a company that supports social or environmental causes The growth of factories has increased employment and expanded opportunities, yet it has also been characterized by pollution, cl