futurecontinuous.org - Future Continuous

Description: Future Continuous

future continuous

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F uture Continuous: Present Stream is an online series of episodes featuring contemporary artists and scholars exploring parallel and competing visions of what the future holds for both art and the world it lives in. This series was developed with LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) and partnering organization JOAN Los Angeles . Future Continuous: Present Stream is created by Daniel R. Small and produced by David Matorin .

Focused primarily on artists working with research-based methodologies, Present Stream activates their inquiries by intermingling speculative works of art with discoveries and analysis from a diverse selection of invited scholars and experts in fields including neurobiology, physics, robotics, and urban history.

Each segment of Present Stream continuously circles back to questions related to the limits, boundaries and pursuits entailed by operating under the umbrella term, “artist.” It seeks to interrogate which definitions of the term still hold true and which appear vestigial in our shifting present. In presenting both hopeful examples of progress and neglected signs of change, Future Continuous: Present Stream will strive to map our real evolving futures.