fussylogic.co.uk - FussyLogic – embedded software, Linux, and more

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FussyLogic Ltd is a software contracting company with over 20 years of experience with embedded firmware projects, writing robust low-level Linux code, systems administration and high-level web applications.

FussyLogic offers an unsually broad range of expertise: we can take on projects that would normally require a developer for your embedded controller, a networking specialist to design your protocol, a web programmer, a database adminstrator, and a systems adminstrator to manage the system can all be done in house by FussyLogic.

This website, while a contact point for FussyLogic the company, is primarily a place for me, its owner, Andy Parkins, to publish articles covering subjects that interest me. They are technical in nature, but I try to keep the subjects varied to keep things interesting. You’ll find articles here on subjects like: