furryfediverse.org - The Furry Fediverse

Example domain paragraphs

We are a collection of furry instances on the Fediverse, which is just a fancy way of saying we are a bunch of servers that federate together, allowing furries to join the wider Fediverse. To ease the confusion, Fediverse just means a collection of servers that all communicate with each other. Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, and more are all pieces of software that speak Activity Pub, which is the protocol the Fediverse runs on.

There is no ownership of the wider Fediverse, just instances. All instances are operated by real people and not faceless companies (or at least the ones listed on this site). Which means you are moderated by other real furries and server costs are managed by your instance admins. Or if you are nerdy enough, you can host your own and federate with the rest of us!

Joining is simple and easy, just pick a server from below or click the button right below this paragraph to get started. Or if you are nerdy like stated before set up your own server... but I still think it is best to start out on an existing instance first. You will be able to move easily with all your followers if you want.

Links to furryfediverse.org (1)