- Funding Founding | Gamified Startup Investing ®

Description: Discover great ideas. Do you have a startup-investor in you? Play with our money - PreMoney™ - before you invest yours in early stage startups. Funding Founding brings you pre™

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"Gone are the pitch events where the audience cannot meaningfully engage and where the entrepreneur only learns from the judges. Pre puts the "Fun" in "Funding" while creating new value for the audience, judges, and founders."

"I used the Pre app last month and found it very useful. Because I was now thinking as an investor at each presentation, I listened more intently. I also started being more critical: how is the presentation, does it make sense, is this a viable product? I would recommend this app to every group that is going to have presenters."

"Pre became not only fun but also a learning tool. It made me - an entrepreneur - look at startups and ideas from an investor’s perspective. Once I got into it, I saw how easy and quick it was to use."