fullofhooey.com - Full of Hooey (division of Creativity Corner Inc.) - Canadian business and association motivational keynote speaker, leadership,

Description: Welcome to Full of Hooey - in 1997, a search for ‘hooey’, wouldn't show much - the web is now 'Full of Hooey.' Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey has shared his creative Ideas At Work! with thousands of professionals around the world. Many of you have heard his motivational speeches, participated in training sessions, bought one of his books. Your kind words warmed his heart. Full of Hooey was a slang word - it has come to mean, full of love, value, integrity, success, fun, creativity and challenges met

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Everything Bob does is "Full of Hooey!"

To quote Bob directly, "I am proud that I throw everything I have into my various business ventures, speaking and training engagments, community outlets and client focused activities:

Bob just can't help it! Everything he does is Full of Hooey! The name 'hooey' has not always had a great meaning... in fact it was often used as a slang put down... e.g. 'full of hooey' was not always a nice thing to say about someone.

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