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Description: Contact New York appellate attorney Annette G. Hasapidis for representation in civil appeals pending in the Appellate Division, the Court of Appeals, or the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

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Attorneys and litigants alike expect that an appellate attorney?s services are a large component of the cost of taking an appeal. Preparing a Record on Appeal can be as costly and time-consuming as the time spent preparing the Brief. Moreover, many printing services do not staff an appellate attorney who can review the contents of the Record on Appeal or Appendix to ensure that only the necessary documents are included, which will reduce the appellate costs.

In short, Full Court PressTM is unlike other printers because FCP offers both an on-staff attorney and very competitive pricing for preparing an appeal in any state or federal court.

Whether you have questions or are interested in perfecting an appeal or engaging in complex and dispositive motion practice, please call for a free consultation.