fulfillment-of-prophecy.com - Fulfillment Of Prophecy – Who Are The Christian Crusaders

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After the dangerous, hard and long journey, the first crusaders reached Jerusalem in 1099. The result of the first crusade or religious war was the formation of four different Latin Kingdoms and states. In the Middle East, as a result of the first crusade, the establishment of Principality Antioch, County Edessa, County Tripoli and Kingdom of Jerusalem took place. In fact, the first Christian Crusaders picked the symbol of Cross. Crusaders also produced works of art and architecture which are, beautifully d

Charismatic penance followed the first crusades

Pope Urban 11 gave a different turn to crusade war. He gave it a charismatic punishment of pilgrim to Jerusalem. In fact, it was Fulcher who stated that anyone who dies during the battle, whether by sea or land while fighting the pagans, will see a remission of sins. If anyone joins the crusade not for money or fame, but for liberating the Church of Christ will substitute this journey for the penance.

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