- From the Cradle to the Cross | With Shannon Jarvis

Description: With Shannon Jarvis

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It was the end of a long walk, not longer than usual,  but today as I looked up that last hill my body and my brain said “NO”.  NO more strength, NO desire, NO faith that I could do it. My muscles were weak, my legs felt like spaghetti not strong enough to carry me. I was sweaty, thirsty and exhausted. The hill looked bigger, much bigger than the other 30 times I’d climbed it. I called out to the people I was with for help and the wind must have carried my voice up and away because no heads turned, no hands

As I stood there trying to muster the strength to start that climb, my people disappeared in the distance. I tried to give myself a pep talk, after all, this was not like me.  I’d walked up plenty of hills tired and exhausted before. Why was I so defeated this time before I’d even started to climb?  I knew I had two choices, stay where I was,  or climb that vertical beast.  I didn’t want to make the climb, I really didn’t think I could!  But I did NOT want to stay where I was, and get left behind.

At the start of that climb I was at the end of my own strength but then I remembered… I remembered all the impossible obstacles I’d faced before and overcome with the help of the One who promises to never leave me or forsake me, especially at the bottom of my toughest climbs.