- Friends of the Illinois River

Description: This was the former website of the Friends of the Illinois River, a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the natural resources of the Illinois River and its watershed. Learn more.

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This was the former website of the Friends of the Illinois River, a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the natural resources of the Illinois River and its watershed. Content is from the site's 2007-2008 archived pages.

While I was rebuilding this website with 2007-2008 archived content after recently purchasing the domain, I was reminiscing about the year 2008. As folks were cleaning up the banks of the Illinois River during their annual Illinois River Sweep, folks along the eastern seaboard of the US, including myself, were cleaning up after Hurricane Hanna. The phones of companies who offered emergency water damage restoration in New York City were "ringing off their hooks." What I really needed though was an oriental c

If you have just arbitrarily come across this site and are interested in contributing to the Friends of the Illinois River please visit therm at  their current website, go or visit their Facebook page FriendsOfTheIllinoisRiver /.