- French Cuff Shirt The Online French Cuff Shirts Collection

Description: welcomes you and offers everything you need to know about and a selection of French cuff shirts for you to buy.

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The French cuff shirts, often called double cuff shirts is stylish and fashionable. welcomes you and offers information about and a selection of French cuff shirts for you to buy.

A French cuff shirts must be one of the most stylish business wear in the planet.  Even when combined with funky colors and modern prints, it does not lose the aura of business. It can exude an excellent fashion sense without making you look too casual or unprofessional.

Now, what exactly is a French cuff?   Also called a double cuff, a French cuff is a cuff you can fold back and secure with cufflinks or knot closures.  Aside from making the cuffs serve their purpose, these closures play a big role in making the shirt more fashionable and more you.