- المترجمون السوريون الأحرار | Free Syrian Translators | The “Free Syrian Translators” group translates articles and documentarie

Description: The “Free Syrian Translators” group translates articles and documentaries related to the Syrian Revolution into and from the Arabic Language

Example domain paragraphs

A Syrian Woman.

By rising up against the injustices of Assad and his regime, the Syrian Woman challenged all the ideas and stereotypes that were casted on her by minds claiming wisdom and global leadership while being stagnant in international circles, such as feminists and human rights organisations, as well as [Syrian] compatriots who have blindly adopted the slogans of those organisations. استمر في القراءة ←

International Bodies threatening to cease donations to medical institutions if they mention that Assad regime has bombed them. They are forced to take a neutral position and refrain from giving any statements that would plainly accuse the Assad regime of attacking medical facilities.