- Freedom Trek

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There are so many challenges in the world today caused by bad governments, war, politics and corrupted social systems. Caught in the middle are innocent people and typically those people don’t have a voice or the strength to be freed from these challenges.

In January of 2023, you have the chance to be their advocate and raise awareness to provide freedom for the war-torn Syrian and Afghan refugees, ISIS-trafficked and abused women in Iraq, cast-aside disabled children in Egypt, the terrorized church in northern Nigeria, and more. The Freedom Trek is a fundraiser and mountain climbing adventure to collectively raise money to break the chains of the enslaved and terrorized.   

While climbing Kilimanjaro is a Bucket List item for many people, the Freedom Trek is so much more.  This trip is about taking on a challenge and accomplishing something bigger than ourselves. More than just summiting, the purpose of this event is to raise awareness and funds to directly impact the lives of the oppressed throughout the Middle East and North Africa.