- Writings by Frederick Harper

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Surviving Cancer  reflects the author’s recent experiences as a cancer survivor and how cancer changed his worldview as an aging elder. Dr. Harper’s poetry and prose address his cancer treatment experience and his even greater disposition of humility from and appreciation of blessings during his lifetime—a life of serving and creating for the good of others. Featured poems and prose in this book include “Cancer: A Sweet-and-Sour Experience,” “A Tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg” (who died from cancer), “Announ

Black Elder Speaks  is a collection of Dr. Frederick Douglas Harper’s previously published and unpublished poetry and prose on the topics of race, race relations, Black consciousness, Black pride, racial identity, and racism. In addition, Harper speaks from years of acquired wisdom in providing advice and insight on topics of holistic health and rightful living. The book is divided into seven major sections that include (a) Race, Racism, and Racial Struggle, (b) Honoring Black Women, (c) Honoring Black Men,

The Stories is a book about the “stories in my life,” rather than the story of my life. This book includes stories of the author as a youth growing up in the South under Jim Crow’s racial segregation, stories about his roles as a pioneer and leader of civil rights, and stories about spiritual events and spiritual encounters. There are also stories from his times as a school and college student, public school teacher, university professor for 42 years, professional counselor, professional consultant, parent,