- FOSS Patents

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This blog covers software patent news and issues with a particular focus on wireless, mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers, connected cars) as well as select antitrust matters surrounding those devices.

In the paper I mentioned yesterday , Dr. Justus Baron flags a number of issues relating to the aggregate royalty setting part of the EU SEP Regulation. Besides many of his points being valid, what makes that paper significant is that he is an actual researcher as opposed to some corporate representatives that were also retained by the EC in the SEP Regulation context but have commercial interests such as selling services to licensors and licensees or getting paid by the EC later on to set up and run an EU S

I'd like to follow up on one thing that is not central to Dr. Baron's latest paper but worth commenting on in its own right. In connection with current practice he notes that maximum aggregate royalty rates are rarely announced by SEP holders despite "existing guidance from the EU Commission [which] makes it clear that joint announcements of maximum aggregate royalties by groups of SEP holders do not, in principle, violate EU competition law." A footnote then points to para. 474 of the EC's Horizontal Coope

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