- Footnote - a blog about soccer, and other things

Description: a blog about soccer, and other things

Example domain paragraphs

About Whose handball law interpretation is it anyway? People all over Europe attempt to answer an unanswerable question Improv comedy is an art form in which a group of people, without creating a script beforehand, act out comedic scenes. 1 Or at least modern long-form improv comedy as performed at various theaters across the United States! This is not a perfect definition, but this is not a blog about improv comedy!

When done well, improv comedy is great: spontaneous, surprising, and genuinely funny. But when done poorly, like by Michael Scott in that one episode of The Office , improv can be an awkward, confusing mess. A lot of times, this happens when the performers have conflicting interpretations of the characters they’re playing, the scenario they are in, or the rules that they are operating under.

That brings us to what’s going on with England and Europe with respect to handballs in soccer.