- F00lishPe0ple

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F00lishPe0ple was founded by John Harrigan in 1989. We actively engage audiences through immersive theatre, live cinema, ritual and independent film. Spectators must choose their own journey without guidance, which challenges their habitual way of watching art and entertainment in a passive manner. We have been commissioned by the BBC, ICA and Secret Cinema, and have produced our work for conventional theatres, galleries, festivals and site-specific venues. F00lishPe0ple are based in London.


“There are of course some rare and fine films which are both metaphorically and actually magical: much of the work of Kenneth Anger; Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain. John Harrigan’s second film for FoolishPeople, Armageddon Gospels, can resolutely be added to this list.”

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