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Description: describes popular bouldering areas with routes, boulders, circuit and maps.

guide (5306) climbing (1015) bouldering (222) topo (159) grimper (24) bleau (8) parcours rock climbing bouldering boulder topo route crack crack (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This site is about the bouldering area in the Forêt de Fontainebleau. It contains all major climbing areas. The maps show your current position helping you to find an area or a specific boulder. Not all boulder locations have a verified GPS location but it is accurate enough to locate any boulder or route you may be looking for.

Use the filter function for an area to find routes at a specific grade or with specific feature like traverse or dyno .

Today, this site has details about 2560 boulders, 11878 routes and 3665 videos.