flooddiseases.com - Flood Diseases

Description: There are many natural disasters, but flooding is the most common one, and it is the most likely to strike both industrialized and developing countries at the same rate.

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There are many natural disasters, but flooding is the most common. It is the most likely to strike industrialized and developing countries at the same rate. (1) Flooding increases the health risk of any population in a direct and indirect manner. Deaths from drowning, electrocution, building and infrastructural collapses are the most likely flood related deaths. One must keep in mind that floods can also increase the contamination of water by waterborne diseases such as vibriosis, tetanus, giardiasis, typho

WHO | Flooding and communicable diseases fact sheet [Internet]. [cited 2017 Nov1]. Available from: http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/ems/flood_cds/en/