floccus.es - FLOCCUS Calidad y Confianza

Description: Gestionamos y abastecemos TODAS las NECESIDADES de las PYMES en cada momento con una gran variedad de Productos y Servicios.

marketing (36878) españa (2333) calidad (1404) tienda online (1109) consumibles (185) pyme (168) confianza (164) flocus (2) direccto de origen (1) floccus (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The shipping costs for the mainland vary depending on the total amount of your order. If the total is less than 40€, the shipping cost will be 4.95€. If the amount is between 40 euros and 75 euros, the shipping cost will be 2.95€. For orders over 75€, shipping will be completely free. VAT is not included.

If you reside in the Balearic Islands or outside of Spain and your order is less than 40€, the shipping cost will be 9.95€. However, if the order is between 40€ and 75€, the shipping price is reduced to 7.95€. Finally, if the amount exceeds 75€, the shipping cost will be only 5.00€. As for the delivery time, it is usually between 28 and 72 hours from the moment the order is placed.

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