flightonchip.es - Madrid Flight on Chip

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The project Madrid Flight on Chip (MFoC) is a research and innovation project funded by Comunidad de Madrid and the European Union. The goal of the MFoC project is to develop novel techniques for the development of future-generation aerospace satellite systems. The project will explore hardware and software techniques for radically different aerospace system development in that will enable much more cost-effective satellite missions with lower development time possible with new-generation System-on-Chip des

Please contact one of the consortium members directly, or use one of our contact mailing addresses (coming soon).

Programa de ayudas para contribuir a la mejora de la cooperación público privada en materia de I+D+i mediante el apoyo a proyectos de innovación tecnológica de efecto tractor elaborados por núcleos de innovación abierta en la Comunidad de Madrid

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