flatten-video-editing.github.io - FLATTEN Video Editing


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Text-to-video editing aims to edit the visual appearance of a source video conditional on textual prompts. A major challenge in this task is to ensure that all frames in the edited video are visually consistent. Most recent works apply advanced text-to-image diffusion models to this task by inflating 2D spatial attention in the U-Net into spatio-temporal attention. Although temporal context can be added through spatio-temporal attention, it may introduce some irrelevant information for each patch and theref

In this work, we propose a novel (optical) FLow-guided ATTENtion that seamlessly integrates with text-to-image diffusion models and implicitly leverages optical flow for text-to-video editing to address the visual consistency limitation in previous works. FLATTEN enforces the patches on the same flow path across different frames to attend to each other in the attention module, thus improving the visual consistency of the edited video. The main advantage of our method is that enables the information to commu

Wild TI2I - Real images

Links to flatten-video-editing.github.io (2)