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Served Fresh Every Morning!

Jacob Waddy recently signed with Auto Play Music to release the highly buzzworthy single “2am” in July. Now, he’s back with booze, gambling, and other late-night activities in the uncut but censored video directed by Cam Clay. The video starts in one of Atlanta’s most prominent nightlife districts, Edgewood, and ends in a posh hotel downtown. This song’s catchy hook, eclectic vibe, and creative video will prove that Jacob Waddy…

Vandes Jackson, a producer-artist dedicated to sharing his abstract creations and mindset within the realm of New Age Trap music, just dropped an electrifying beattape with features and guest collaborations.  The 35-minute mixture delves into exclusive production gems from Vandes and truly showcases his versatility in a manner never seen before!  Though the 25-year-old is…

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